Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Recordings available: 2011 Nida Research Symposium

The recordings of the 2011 Research Symposium sponsored by the Nida School of Translation Studies are now available at http://nsts.fusp.it/about-nsts/videos/research-symposium-2011. Here is a quick summary of what took place with this event last September 14, 21011:

Translation takes place in complex cultural situations with equally complex outcomes, including inculturation of religious discourse, localization within utopian globalization, and marginalization of gender and identity within both global religions and economic systems. Professors Anthony Pym and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak met with a group of 40 scholars to speak about their research on inculturation, gender, and translation in the global utopia. Professor Sandra Bermann and Professor Edwin Gentzler responded.

As a reminder, the 2012 Research Symposium will take place Friday, September 14, 10 am - 4 pm, at the College Board, 45 Columbus Ave (at 61st St) in NYC. If you have not already done so, please consider registering at http://nsts.fusp.it/form/translation-studies-research-symposium-2012. Here is a brief description of this year’s Research Symposium:

The intersection among translation, history, and methodology is a complex and seldom-explored space in the humanities and social sciences. Disciplinary boundaries partly account for this lack of exploration. But so does the failure of translation studies to gain widespread acceptance and interest in academia. This seminar brings together distinguished scholars whose work is important for the advancement of translation studies as well as for its legitimacy within academic institutions. Anne Coldiron and Lawrence Venuti will lecture on methodology in translation history and the history of translation theory, respectively. Mary-Helen McMurran and Michael Forster will respond.

For more information, please contact James Maxey at  james.maxey@fusp.it.

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