Tuesday, September 11, 2012

CFP: Translations of the Quran, Pakistan, Feb. 2013


Translation of the Qur’an has been a challenging task from its very inception. The challenge originates in the peculiar linguistic and stylistic features of Qur’anic language which requires contextual and extra-contextual considerations. Hence efforts to translate Qur’an pose numerous theological, linguistic & legal questions and problems that need to be carefully studied & analyzed  keeping in view the Qur’anic sciences and various translation theories & approaches such as Philological, Communicative, Socio-semiotic & Hermeneutics. The region of the sub-continent has distinctive place in terms of very early attempts & multiplicity of languages to which the text of Qur’an is translated.
The  organizers of the conference are IRI, Faculty of Arabic (Department of Translation and Interpretation) & Faculty of Islamic Studies ( Department of Tafseer & Qur’anic sciences)
The Steering Committee of the Conference invites scholars and students working in this field to contribute papers for the conference. The general themes for writing papers are given below:
Themes (suggested but not restrictive)
  1. History and Survey of Qur’anic translations in the Sub-Continent,
  2. Critical analysis of existing translations in major languages of Sub-Continent like Urdu, Persian and English,
  3. Translations, Interpretations, and Influence of various Schools of Thought in Translating the Qur’an
  4. Peculiarities of Source Language  (Arabic) and Target Languages vis-à-vis the issues and challenges of Qur’anic translation,
  5. Theories of Translation and their Relevance  to  Qur’an’s translation (e.g., philological, Communicative, Socio-semiotics, hermeneutics)
  6. Qur’anic Arabic and the Question of untranslatable in the Qur’an
  7. Translation and Readers; Utilization of the Qur’an’s Translations in  Society (To what extent do people rely on translations? Are they used for educational purposes in institutions, or only for personal reading or Da’wa purposes?)
  8. Subjectivity, Objectivity and other factors in translating the Qur’an
  9. Problematics of Indirect translations of the Qur’an
  10. Qur’anic translations & their impact on Islamic Legal Interpretations.
The conference papers can be presented in three languages i.e. Urdu, Arabic and English.

SEE: http://www.iiu.edu.pk/index.php?page_id=10704

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